Cabbage Rolls with Ground Beef and CheeseIngredients:

* 12 large cabbage leaves
* 1 1/2 pounds lean ground beef
* 1/4 cup minced onion
* 1 teaspoon ground sage
* 1 1/2 cups shredded Cheddar cheese
* 2/3 cup fine dry bread crumbs
* 2 teaspoons salt
* 1 cup tomato juice
* 1 chopped onion
* 1 chopped medium carrots

Cabbage Rolls are made with cabbage leaves filled with ground beef and Cheddar cheese and seasonings.

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Cook cabbage leaves in boiling, salted water until tender and flexible, about 5 minutes. Combine ground beef, onion, sage, cheese, bread crumbs, and salt. Place a large spoonful of meat mixture on each cabbage leaf; roll up, tucking ends inside to seal meat in.

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Place in baking dish and tomato sauce.

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Tomato sauce
Fry onion 2 minutes on oil, add the carrots after 5 minutes, pour in tomato juice. After 10 minutes the sauce is ready.
Bake at 350°F for 45 to 55 minutes.

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