* 6 boneless, skinless turkey breast fillets
* 250 g (8 oz) crab sticks, chopped
* 75 g (3 oz) butter, softened
* 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
* salt and pepper
* 25 g (1 oz) plain flour
* 1 teaspoon paprika
* 25 g (1 oz) butter, melted
1. Cut a pocket in each turkey fillet with a sharp knife. Mix together the chopped crab sticks, softened butter and nutmeg and season with salt and pepper to taste. Use this mixture to carefully fill the turkey fillet cavities.
2. Combine the flour and paprika. Brush the stuffed turkey fillets with melted butter and then coat them in the paprika flour.
3. Place each fillet on a square of foil and then fold it over to make a parcel, sealing the ends securely. Place the foil parcels on a grid of a preheated barbecue. Grill over hot coals for about 30 minutes. Unwrap the turkey and place on the oiled grid over the hot coals for a further 5 minutes, turning once, until well browned and cooked through. Serve the turkey breasts immediately.
Serves: 6