* 8oz (225g) ribbon noodles
* 1lb (450g) smoked haddock fillets
* 2oz (50g) butter
* 1 onion, chopped
* 1 good tablespoon flour
* 1 pint (600ml) milk
* salt
* freshly ground black pepper
* 4oz (100g) well-flavoured Cheddar cheese, grated
1. Cook the noodles in plenty of boiling salted water as directed on the packet. Drain and rinse well.
2. Whilst the noodles are cooking, arrange the fish fillets on a large, microproof plate, cover with pierced clear film and cook on full power for 5 minutes.
3. Measure the butter into a large microproof bowl and heat on full power for 1 minute until melted. Add onion, mix well and cook on full power for 5 minutes. Meanwhile, skin and flake the fish.
4. Stir in the flour and gradually blend in the milk. Cover with a lid or pierced clear film and cook on full power for 8 minutes, stirring once during cooking and again at the end of the cooking time.
5. Stir in the drained noodles and skinned and flaked fish. Season to taste, then turn into a warmed flameproof serving dish. Sprinkle with cheese and brown under a hot grill until the cheese has melted and is golden brown. Serve straightaway.
Power Level: Full
Cooking Time: 19 Minutes
Serves: 4