Watersuplies_cAre you worried about America's future? Who isn't?  When economic collapse strikes, who will you rely on? The government, your church, your neighbors, who? Yourself, that's who. Nobody else is in charge, but you. Your family is relying on you to see that they are well-prepared and in the event of a disaster, it's your duty to help them. Knowing how to store food for long term survival is an essential skill that few have. In early America food storage was necessary and practiced by all.

As cities grew and grocery shopping became the norm, food storage fell by the wayside for many. But now, in uncertain times as the potential for financial crises, food shortages and political unrest becomes more real, many are learning how to store food and other necessities for times of emergency, man-made or natural. Here's how to store food for long term survival.

First of all create a pantry list detailing what your full home food storage should include, what you already have, and what more you need.

Make a shopping list detailing what you need to purchase. After researching prices and availability, list the best sources next to each item. As you learn how to store food for long term survival, it will get easier and more natural.

Purchase and prepare containers and boxes for your home food storage. For storage of whole grains and other bulk foods (wheat berries, rice, lentils, beans, raisins) use 5- or 6-gallon storage buckets, available online and in some home supply stores. Smaller (1-3 gallon size) are suitable for sugar, salt, baking powder, etc. Some food items will come in storeable containers, such as canned goods.

Buy a variety of items as you build your emergency food storage pantry. For example, if your budget is $100 per month, split it between several categories, rather than just buying salt one month and sugar the next. If you were to need your supplies sooner than expected, you'd want a little of everything.

Store water, at least 20 gallons per adult, to last two weeks. Rotate this water storage as water only has a shelf life of 6-12 months. If you have a well with a hand pump, you won't need to store water, while water storage is critical for someone dependent on a town water system. In any case, be sure to store a heavy-duty water filter/ water treatment system and spare filters.

Choose grains, flour and beans for your home food storage. The good thing about grains is that, when stored properly in sealed containers, they can last for decades or longer. Try food coops, health food stores and bulk food distributors. Suggested amounts are for one adult's one-year supply:

Whole grain wheat berries, 350 lbs.

Other whole grains (barley, corn, oats, popcorn, rye), 100 lbs.

Rice (whole, brown, wild) 45 lbs.

Pastas (lasagna, egg noodles, spaghetti, wheat, veggie) 35 lbs.

Add cereals, 75 lbs. per adult, choosing from the following: granola, oatmeal, grits, Quinoa, processed cereals ready-to-eat.


Purchase 100 lbs. of legumes and beans per adult. Buy kidney beans, lentils, pinto, navy beans, split peas and other varieties as per your taste.

Add 100 pounds of frozen beef, chicken and fish per adult to your deep freeze. Purchase a side of beef if possible, to save money. Also stock up on pemmican, beef jerky and dehydrated and canned meats.

Build up your store-able dairy products to about 150 pounds per adult of powdered milk, dehydrated butter & cheese and buttermilk powder. Store the equivalent of 25 dozen eggs in powdered form for each person, as well as 24 cans of evaporated and condensed milks.

Procure 100 pounds of sweeteners (honey, molasses, cane sugar, raw sugar, maple sugar, maple syrup) for each adult in the house.

Store cooking catalysts, to the tune of 60 lbs. oils and fats (olive oil, coconut oil, sunflower oil etc.) and 5 pounds salt with 2 pounds leavenings (yeast, baking powder, sourdough starter) to round out your food.

Include goodies such as dried fruit, nuts, chocolate, coffee, drink mixes and other treats in quantity for your family to enjoy. If things are so rough that you are relying totally on your home food storage, a candy bar or cup of tea may bring comfort.

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