Spices-and-HerbsUsually we try to avoid giving spices and herbs to babies and children. But some of herbs & spices can be good for children, cure their diseases and illnesses, aid digestion and so on. The only rule is: do not give herbs & spices to babies younger than 8 months. And also try to give children only natural spices. Some herbs and spices (like garlic, basil, rosemary, dill, mint) you can plant and raise yourself. Also give children such  herbs & spices: ginger, lemon zest, oregano, cinnamon, nutmeg, anise, vanilla, pepper and so on.

Spices have specific health benefits. It is believed that cardamom, for example, can relieve indigestion and can be used to aid coughs and colds. Cinnamon can help indigestion, diarrhoea and relieve nasal congestion and turmeric can help calm inflammation and relieve indigestion.

Herbs have many medicinal properties. Parsley contains vitamin C and iron and chewing on parsley is a good breath freshener, especially after eating garlic. Chewing thyme is thought to help soothe sore throats and oregano as an infusion is thought to aid digestion and relieve cold symptoms.

Ginger aids digestion and is also a good remedy for nausea, particularly travel sickness. Grated fresh ginger in a hot lemon and honey drink can help alleviate the symptoms of a cold. Mix together the juice of half a lemon, some fresh grated ginger and a teaspoon or two of honey in a mug and top up with boiling water.

Mint aids digestion, which is one of the reasons why some people like to drink mint tea.

Basil can aid digestion, easing the symptoms of wind, stomach cramps, colic and indigestion.

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